PhD Program

The Ph.D. program in Engineering Systems seeks to train doctors trained to lead original and autonomous research that favors the development of the person and society as a whole, contributing to the expansion of knowledge in the field of engineering in the field of information science and decision-making science.


  • Develop in graduates the ability to critically assess the body of knowledge information science and decision science, and consequently, generate original research areas and ideas, with emphasis on complex organizational problems and potential impact on science and society, and implement R&D projects for the expansion of frontier knowledge in this area.

  • Provide graduates with a solid background with a systemic view based on theories, models, and engineering techniques in information science and decision science.

  • Sensitize society on information and decision science issues and their engineering application.

Lines of research

  • Information Science. The information science research line focuses on the properties and behavior of information and the means to process it. Information science researchers address effective communication and information objects in the context of social, organizational and individual need and use of information.

  • Decision Science. The decision science research line focuses on developing analytical methods, mathematical models, and algorithms that allow better decisions. Decision science researchers create, disseminate and use knowledge to improve decision-making involving systems and people. This area of expertise addresses three fundamental and related issues: (1) how does a "rational" person make decisions? (2) how does a person make decisions?, and (3) how do we help people improve decision-making?


Graduate Profile

The graduate of the Doctorate in Engineering Systems from the Universidad Católica del Norte is capable of leading research, contributing to the expansion of knowledge in the field of engineering in the field of information science and decision-making. decisions.

The graduate of this program is distinguished by their skills and knowledge in the use of statistical, analytical, data science, and decision science methods and tools. From the understanding of engineering, she models and proposes original solutions to complex organizational problems. Furthermore, she is characterized by her ability to spread research findings among her peers and in society.

The graduate has the skills to work in multidisciplinary teams, both in academic environments and in companies and public institutions, at a national and international level, proposing applied scientific solutions in the field of engineering and organization, and in accordance with ethical principles.


4 years.