
Dr. Patricio Ramírez Correa

PhD in Economics and Business Administration - University of Seville 

Professor of the Catholic University of the North

Dr. Guillermo Ronda Pupo

PhD in Technical Sciences - José Antonio Echevarría Higher Polytechnic Institute 

Professor of the Catholic University of the North

Dr. Jorge Alfaro Pérez

PhD in Information Systems - Polytechnic University of Madrid. 

Associate Professor of the Catholic University of the North

Dr. Mauricio Gallardo Altamirano

PhD in Economics - National University of La Plata 

Associate Professor of the Catholic University of the North

Dr. Carlos Calderón Carvajal

PhD in Methodologies of Behavioral and Health Sciences - Autonomous University of Madrid

Associate Professor of the Catholic University of the North

Dr. Paul Leger Morales

PhD in Computer Science – University of Chile

Associate Professor of the Catholic University of the North

Dr. Sarfaraz Hashemkhani Zolfani

PhD in Technological Prospecting - Amirkabir University of Technology

Academic of the Catholic University of the North

Dr. Paulo Alves Junior

PhD in Industrial Engineering - University of São Paulo

 Academic of the Catholic University of the North

Associated Academics

Dr. Julio Vásquez Castro

PhD in Science (Ecology) - University of Chile

Professor of the Catholic University of the North

Dr. Ariel Areyuna Santiago

PhD in Business Management and Organization - Polytechnic University of Catalonia

Associate Professor of the Catholic University of the North

Dr. Juan Bekios Calfa

PhD in Artificial Intelligence - Polytechnic University of Madrid 

Assistant Professor at the Catholic University of the North

Dr. Francisco Correa Schnake

PhD in Theology – Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

 Assistant Professor at the Catholic University of the North

Dr. Amir Karbassi Yazdi

PhD in Industrial Management – ​​Islamic Azad University

Academic of the Catholic University of the North

Visiting Academics

Dr. Jorge Arenas Gaitán

PhD of Business Sciences. University of Seville (Spain) 

Dr. Elizabeth Grandón Toledo

PhD in Administration. University of Bío-Bío (Chile)

Dr. José Vicente Caixeta Filho

PhD of Transportation. University of São Paulo (Brazil)

Dr. Marcelo Seido Nagano

PhD of Mechanical Engineering. University of São Paulo (Brazil)

Dr. Daisy Aparecida do Nascimento Rebelatto

PhD in Mechanical Engineering. University of São Paulo (Brazil)

Dr. Ari Mariano Melo

PhD of Business Sciences. University of Brasilia (Brazil)

Dr. Luis Antonio de Santa-Eulalia

PhD of Industrial Engineering. University of Sherbrooke (Canada)

Dr. Alessandro Navarra

Doctor of Industrial Engineering. McGill University (Canada)

Dr. Morteza Yazdani

PhD of Industrial Engineering. Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain)

Dr. Javier Rondán Cataluña

PhD of Business Sciences. University of Seville (Spain)

Dr. Athanasios Rentizelas

PhD in Operations Research. National Technical University of Athens (Greece)

Dr. Jorge Valenzuela

PhD of Industrial Engineering. Auburn University (USA)